Greetings , and Happy Friday!

Freedom is defined as living without physical restraints and is something we desire for each of our recipients. We want them to have freedom from the despair of living without mobility and freedom to live their lives to the fullest. This week I want to tell you about a boy from India, and how his brand new wheelchair brought him freedom:

Sobin_correctsizeAfter 8 long years of hoping, Sobin’s parents finally had the child they so desperately desired, but they were saddened by the hardships their child would face because he was born with cerebral palsy. Despite their fears, Sobin’s parents were persistent and worked hard to provide a healthy and happy home while teaching him how to become self-reliant. With these goals in mind, they sent him to a specialized school that would help him continue to grow through assisted physiotherapy and various types of training. He struggled each step of the way but was finally able to overcome his physical challenges when he received his FWM wheelchair.

Sobin couldn’t stop smiling as he was he was placed into his Gen_1 wheelchair. His parents are so excited about the new possibilities for their son now that he has the freedom to get around on his own. Sobin is overjoyed at being more active and engaged—he asks his friends, “Look – do you find any difference between those butterflies and me now?”

Thank you for your generosity and help bringing freedom into Sobin’s life and into the lives of others like him!


Don Schoendorfer

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